FAQ: The print is faded/faint on the top or bottom of the Dymo tape

"FAQ: The print is faded/faint on the top or bottom of the Dymo tape"

Firstly, this isn't an "ink" problem as Dymo LabelMakers don't use ink, the tape cartridges have a ribbon inside, so the problem lies elsewhere. 

If the print starts to fade across the whole label then replace the batteries (see FAQ: The print is fading on my Dymo labelmaker).

But if the label is printing ok at the top of the label but is faded or even non-existent along the bottom, or the other way around, then it's likely that the label has simply slipped out of one of the guides on the tape cassette.

Dymo D1 tape shown, Rhino and LetraTAG tapes will have similar guides

Remove the tape cassette from the machine and check.  If this is the case simply pop it back under the guide.

If the tape looks ok, the issue may be with the printhead - to confirm try a different tape, if the problem persists across tapes then it is likely that the printhead is either dirty or damaged.  Most Dymo labellers will have a printhead cleaning tool in the tape compartment, see the user manual for further details.

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